Reconfiguration success or error status: 1603. Product Name: Macromedia Contribute 3.11. MSI (c) (1C:30) : Windows Installer reconfigured the product. Browse to the Rational release area and install version 10.5 of InstallScript, isscript1050.msi: Go to DISK1SETUP directory located in your release area Launch and install the isscript1050. MSI (c) (1C:30) : Product: Macromedia Contribute 3.11 - Configuration failed. Property(C): OriginalDatabase = C:\Users\jesler\Desktop\Macromedia_Contribute_3.11.msi Property(C): DATABASE = C:\Windows\Installer\6c9f1f.msi Property(C): MsiNetAssemblySupport = 9.17929
Property(C): MsiLogFileLocation = c:\users\jesler\desktop\failing.txt Return value 1.ġ: The InstallScript engine version currently installed on this machine is adequate.ġ: GetInstallDriver, Can not find InstallDriver in ROT table, Return Code = 0x800401e3ġ: I had an old setup file that needs IsScript8.msi. This is the log file, = Logging started: 9:53:16 =Īction start 9:53:16: ISMsiServerStartup.Īction ended 9:53:16: ISMsiServerStartup. I dont know if this is relevent or not, but when trying to launch the MSI's through the gui, it won't give a UAC prompt. But fails when installing as the system user. The MSI installs fine, silently or with a UI as a local admin. I'm having an issue with a few MSI's that won't install as a system user.